Burkitts Lymphoma
On April 27, 2011 I was admitted to St. Luke’s hospital in Kansas City, MO. Earlier that morning I had a CT scan of my abdomen that revealed I had a tumor the size of a large orange in the left side of my small intestine. The next day I was scheduled for a biopsy that turned into a major stomach surgery to remove the tumor, 2 ½ feet of my small intestine, and other lymph nodes that looked to be inflamed. After the surgery I honestly did not think things could get much worse. I have devoted most of my life to helping other people and now I was completely helpless, a feeling that I am not used to and did not enjoy one bit. After the surgery I had convinced myself that the tumor was malignant and the worst of everything was over. I mean I have been sick for almost a straight year at that point. Nine months prior having the pulmonary embolisms (blood clots in my lungs) and now possibly having cancer, nope that’s not possible, not for me. When my uncle came into to tell me the results and diagnosis that I indeed had Burkitt’s Lymphoma I was so pissed off. I was pissed off, because I don’t deserve this, I was pissed off because this is just my luck, I was pissed off because I knew I was going to lose my job(I didn’t btw, but we’ll get back to that), I was pissed off because I hate when I can’t do something myself, I was pissed off because no one else would understand, and I was mostly pissed off because I was scared shitless and it sometimes seems easier to appear mad than sad, scared, and so on and so forth. Uncertainty is a scary thing. I still get a little pissy from time to time about everything that’s going on, but as people that really know me can tell you, I can get that way from time to time. I am not so much scared now about the overall outcome. I am going beat the shit out of this cancer, the aggressive Chemo regiment I am going on has a 98% cure rate. Burkitt’s is very beatable and I am going to do it. I am not scared I am going to lose my job, the KC Zoo has really bent over backwards for me and shown me what a wonderful organization they are and that there are just good people working there. I’d like to thank my bosses Julie and Katie; you didn’t have to be as great as you have been about everything. The fact that you are willing to work with me so much gives me so much confidence on so many levels, besides being great supervisors you have shown my family and I what beautiful people you are and we will never forget it. On a side note, I am not above shameless plugging, so help a brother out and GO OUT TO THE ZOO TODAY AND BUY A MEMBERSHIP.
The rest of my time in the hospital I was able to do a lot of thinking. I have got to further that thinking since I have been released and recovering at home/ awaiting my first chemo treatment. I kept going back and forth on whether or not I was going to write a blog. That decision was practically made for me when a few girls from Miege and Kstate started a collection for me. They got over 40 people to donate to buy me an I-Pad and other things to help me through Chemo. Words cannot describe how I felt when I opened the gift and saw the I-Pad, and then when I read the card and it had all the people’s names who donated on it. To feel loved is such an uplifting feeling. Even though I it might seem I am tired of talking about what’s going on, don’t be afraid to ask me for the latest update or just some general info on what’s going on. If you really think I don’t want to talk about it then give my mom a call, she will fill you in on all the details thus far.
It’s going to be a long, tough, and painful journey over the next 9 months. My chemo regiment is broken down into 6- 6 week cycles. Each cycle has two three week periods that I be admitted into the hospital for 4-6 day treatments. So every 3 weeks for the next 9 months I will be at St. Luke’s Hospital on the plaza for 4 to 6 days, depending on the treatment. Feel free to stop by and visit me, even if I am feeling pretty down and I’m not up to talking a lot, just knowing you are there means a lot to me. The little things mean a lot to me, they always have. Like Laura Parks a friend from Miege is running in a marathon in San Francisco to raise money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Although, she is not doing it just for me, she added a little bit about me and my situation in her story on her donation page. When I read it all I could think about was how can I help Laura achieve her goal. So if you know Laura and even if you don’t you should probably float a few bucks her way to help our cause. I know what you are thinking right now and you are absolutely right, it is becoming expensive to be my friend, but hey that’s life my friend! I have met so many great people in my life and travels. A guy I met while working with Planet Aid named Marcus and he is going to submit my story to Rockin’ out Cancer a benefit rock concert in Columbus, Ohio. The proceeds will be split between The James Cancer Hospital and a family that is fighting the fight of a lifetime. Marcus has been a great friend and I was lucky to have met him and so many other great people while I worked for Planet Aid.
Well it’s getting late and I need to at least try and get some sleep, I’ve got a big day tomorrow! In reality I am probably not going to sleep much tonight, but I should at least try. To all my friends and family that have been there for me so far, thank you. To all the people that have kept me and my family in their thoughts and prayers, thank you. To all the people at the Zoo who have welcomed me into the zoo family, thank you. To all the people that read this blog and go out and buy a zoo membership and/or donate to Laura’s cause, thank you. And to Jenna and the KU nurses I met this past weekend that are going to set me up with a nice pretty lady, THANK YOU! Remember people, I’m just starting chemo, I’m not dead! I am still a single guy, who my mom would tell you is a very good catch (if you need a reference). Just remember she must like bald guys, because by the end of this week or early next week I will be hairless, which brings up another thank you. To all my friends and family that are going to join me in this journey and shave their heads, thank you. Oh and Madre Raya, keep those flautas coming, they are magnificent! I will keep you all updated, I love you and good night!
Paul, thanks for the wonderful first installment. I look forward to reading more about your journey. Always remember all the family and friends who love you and are here for you. I am off to the Zoo to get my membership!
ReplyDeleteAunt MTE
Love this -- thanks for sharing! Are you still on a junk food diet and can we bring you some more? :) I can also do healthy - just let me know what sounds good.
ReplyDeleteHi P Man - Aunt Bets here! Thank You so much for doing a blog. I feel so far away and out of touch with what's going on and now you have given me the "what the what"! Well done my wonderful nephew! I'll be in town next week and catch up with you - Lot's of love & hugs
ReplyDeleteAunt Bets